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What makes you different from the general public? A simple question with a complex answer. How would I answer this question? I would answer it by saying I look the same as ninety percent of other brown-haired white teenagers. At least, on the outside I do. On the inside I am completely different from the majority, I realized this when I was asked to number a piece of paper from one to twenty and I looked around at my classmates and all their papers were numbered from top to bottom and my paper was numbered from left to right. I reflected on how it was such a small, seemingly insignificant detail that proved to me that I was in fact different from my classmates, in more than that one way of course. In water polo, my teammates are ninety-eight percent offense-oriented while I am a defense-oriented player. This doesn't mean I am necessarily better than all my teammates at defense and they are better at offense than me, it means I enjoy playing defense more than I enjoy playing offense. After school when I come home, I dedicate a half hour to myself. Instead of watching videos about the new video game coming out or the new show coming out, I watch videos about the mysteries of outer space, light, darkness,  the earth’s core, and the workings of sound and sight. These videos further my interest in space. What could be out there, beyond our grasp? What is yet to be discovered? What thing humanity has yet to see that could change our civilizations forever? I want to be part of those future discoveries, while most of the world sits and watches ideally. I don’t want to say “I was there when this and that happened” I want to say “I helped make this or that happen”.  It is this drive and curiosity that set me apart. While some students can brag about taking the highest level of math available, multivariable calculus for my school, I simply can’t. I went to an alternative school for middle school, where they taught me to harness my creativity and imagination to solve problems in my own way. They did not offer the highest math pathway. However, I do not regret going there, it shaped me to be who I am today.

I am also extremely sympathetic. I care for animals that others don't.  My sympathy sticks out because when others would choose to crush spiders and other sorts of bugs felt sorry for their misfortune. When others would speak about their daily life I would stop and ask someone if they are okay how they are feeling what I could do to help. one time in a parking lot I noticed  somebody with their car hood propped up oh, I walked away from my car and I asked them  what was wrong and if they needed help. They said yes and I pulled my car next to theirs and provided the energy that their car needed to start off so that they could get home. I feel extreme sympathy for those who are mistreated by our unjust Society. , however,  do not just feel sympathy, I take part in movements for change in our society.

-Writing Pieces-

linked below is my Baseline essay. The essay had to be completed in 45 minutes so what is shown is what was done in 45 minutes. 

linked below are my Personal Insight Question answers. they give a brief insight into who I am as a person. 

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